Regenerative Activism for Trans Organisers and Activists in Ulex


Tools for effective and sustainable activism (26.04 – 5.05.2019)

This workshop offers a range of tools, collective and personal, which can make our activism more effective and sustainable. These methods can help us avoid burnout and stay in it for the long haul, adding continuity to our movement building. A ‘regenerative’ approach goes beyond sustainability to explore how we can organise in ways that actually renew or revitalize our own resources and those of our groups – this can help us stay inspired, nourished, & more creative in our tactical approach.


What are the aims of the course?

• To explore methods of working effectively with the personal and inner dimension of activism, helping us take better care of ourselves, equipping us to avoid burnout and to better empower ourselves for action.

• To offer tools which support more skilful inter-personal work in our groups and networks, and enable ways of organising which exemplify the values we want to realise in the world.

• To create a vibrant and supportive temporary community of trans* activists, as a safer space for deep reflection, analysis, and the sharing of experience of the personal and inter-personal dimensions of our work – finding nourishment and inspiration from each other and nature.

The workshop is specifically designed to address needs, issues and challenges that people identifying as trans, gender non conforming or non-binary face in their activism. We are going to explore, what is the link between this parts of our identities and burning out, how does being trans* influences our activism, our capacities, and resilience.

For more details go to full description of the course. More courses in Ulex here.