EYFA’s international office is located in Berlin. The office coordinates EYFA’s activities, including administrative and financial tasks, as well as the network’s communication. This includes producing the EYFA newsletter, acting as an information point for network members, and as a communication liaison between local and international projects.
The office is organised collectively and non-hierarchically, meaning that all staff and volunteers are expected to take an equal role in day-to-day tasks and decision-making processes. From watering the plants to writing reports, tasks are shared and rotated amongst all of those in the office.
The office also functions as a ‘training ground’ for young people to develop skills, such as project coordination, fundraising and bookkeeping. EYFA does not ask new office staff to enter with all the necessary knowledge and experience to carry out their tasks. Rather, the aim is to be a place where young people can develop these skills in a supportive environment, learning-by-doing. It is typical for staff and volunteers to work in the office for 1-3 years, before moving on to share their new skills with other groups and projects.