Right to Come! Right to Stay!

We are very exited to share with you the open call for the Decolonial Climate Justice Gathering: Right to Come! Right to Stay! EYFA and Papaya Kuir (NL) are happy to invite you to our international gathering by and for BIPoC, migrants, refugees and activists. During 6 days we will have workshops on the topics of climate justice and forced migration, self-organisation, sustainable activism and empowerment.


From the 20th – 25th of August.


Near Amsterdam, Netherlands.


This 6 day gathering is about BIPoC refugee solidarity and resistance with focus on climate justice and forced migration. The areas and people most affected by climate change are not the ones who are causing the most greenhouse gases. We call for climate justice and freedom of movement! The capitalist exploitation of ecosystems and black, indigenous and people of colour (BIPoC) is connected and so is the resistance! The workshops are for empowerment, networking and knowledge exchange. The idea if to create a zine as a tool for knowledge sharing. The workshops and organising team are majority queer BIPoCs. They are familiar to tools and strategies to combat challenges during the processes of arriving.

Costs and support

The entire event is free of change for all participants. Accommodation and meals are covered. Travel costs will be reimbursed, childcare if possible, translation available, please let us know in the registration.


To register follow this link If you have any questions you can write us an Email. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Black Connected Struggles


Inputs – Food – Conversation

11th August 2024 – 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm in Berlin-Kreuzberg

Register: connectedstruggles(at)riseup(dot)net

Struggles on the African continent, its islands or its diasporas And Armed violence/ genocides perpetrated against Black populations are too often made invisible and normalised. In this conversation, speakers will give inputs from their own contexts and the ways in which Black struggles need to be connected in political discourse and action. From Black internationalist perspectives, this exchange is about connections between struggles and genocides Like in Sudan, DRC, Haiti and Palestine, beyond slogans. The fight against globalised environmental injustice and racism affecting indigenous and Black populations alike.

This exchange is a participative conversation that includes input from speakers, but also dedicates time for a broader discussion with all participants. There will be food and snacks .

This a BIPoC only event organised by BLC & EYFA

We ask everyone to do a Covid test before the event.

The venue is accessible for people who are using wheelchairs.

For more details, please register by writing few words about your positionality & your connection to the topic to connectedstruggles(at)riseup(dot)net

^^ Zine Release ^^

We are more than excited to be officially releasing the zine that was jointly produced by participants of ‘Freedom of Movement’ gathering from September!

Join us on the 9th and 22nd of December 2023 for some chats, snacks and story-sharing from a few of the participants. This is also a chance for those with shared experiences to connect and exchange strategies on how we can mutually support one another in foreign lands.

Bring a friend 🙂

Seminar: Solid as a rock, rooted like a tree

„Solid as a rock, rooted like a tree“ – Kraft und Halt finden trotz der Krisen der Welt
Nachhaltiger Aktivismus für politisch aktive Menschen

Datum: 17 – 19.11.2023
Uhrzeit: 15:00 – 14:00
Ort: Wermelskirchen, Gut Alte Heide    Bremen 10, 42929 Wermelskirchen

Querwaldein und das Gut alte Heide laden mit folgenden Fragen ins Bergische Land ein:

Wie kann ich meine eigene Widerstandskraft stärken? Und wie können wir dies gegenseitig und kollektiv als Gruppe etablieren? Wie können wir uns über den Zustand der Welt austauschen – mit all unseren Emotionen?
Was braucht es, um dies in eine Organisation oder Bewegung zu tragen? Mit dem Ziel gemeinsam und individuell nachhaltig politisch aktiv zu sein und bleiben zu können.
An diesem Wochenende haben wir in einem geschützten Rahmen die Möglichkeit, uns darüber auszutauschen, wie es uns mit dem Zustand der Welt geht. Ebenso wird Raum sein, persönliche und kollektive Resilienzstrategien zu entwickeln. Dabei werden wir immer wieder in und von der Natur lernen. Das Gut Alte Heide bietet uns dafür mit seiner wunderschönen Natur die ideale Umgebung.
In diesem Begegnungs- und Erfahrungsraum kannst du neue Perspektiven und Orientierung finden und deine Potenziale sowie Kraftquellen (wieder) entdecken.
Selbst in Zeiten von Krisen und Ohnmacht findest du hier die Möglichkeit, deine Handlungsfähigkeit zurückzugewinnen oder weiterzuentwickeln und dies weiter zu tragen.
Dabei wirst du von einem Referent*innen-Team begleitet, das langjährige Erfahrungen sowohl in der Naturerlebnis- und Wildnispädagogik, der Prozessarbeit und Krisenbewältigung als auch in sozial-ökologischen Bewegungen und Aktivismus mitbringt.

Übernachtet wird in Doppelzimmern, Platz für maximal 20 Menschen

Zielgruppe: Menschen, die politisch aktiv sind

Anmeldung: https://www.querwaldein.de/events/solid-as-a-rock-rooted-like-a-tree/


In this meeting we LEARN AND EXCHANGE about how we can stand in Solidarity with Each other And learn From the Histories of Our Entangeled Struggles

Where there is oppression there is resistance! The interconnected struggles between Black and Palestinian movements have a long history. First of all Afro-Palestinian movements with female Black Palestinian freedom fighters in the 1960s, before and presently.
Within Anti-Apartheid movements in South Africa people like Nelson Mandela, were standing in solidarity: “But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians”.
There have been historical alliances between the Black Power movement in the US and Palestine. Black activists like Angela Davis show their continuous and uncompromising solidarity: “If we say we abolish the prison-industrial complex, as we do, we should also say abolish apartheid, and end the occupation of Palestine!”

The event takes place in Berlin-Kreuzberg,
on 28th October, 2023.
from 11:00 to 17:00.

Please write to <info_eyfa@proton.me> to register!

International gathering ‘Freedom of Movement’, in partnership with International Women* Space

(FR en bas)

An international gathering by and for BIPoC Migrants, Refugees, Asylum Seekers & new comers based anywhere in Europe.

In those 6 days in the countryside we will have workshops touching the topics of legal rights, self-organisation, sustainable activism, empowerment, body work / movement & also a Refugee resistance tour in Berlin – Kreuzberg.

WHEN: 16th – 21st September 2023
WHERE: Brandenburg, Germany

This 6 day gathering is about BIPoC refugee solidarity and resistance. The workshops are for empowerment, networking and knowledge exchange. The idea is to create a resource guide as a tool for knowledge sharing.

The workshops are created by facilitators who have faced displacement, migration and asylum processes themselves. and are very familiar to tools and strategies to combat challenges during the processes of arriving.

The gathering and workshops are organized by BIPoC and a majority queer people.

The entire event is free of charge for all participants.

Accommodation and meals are covered.
There is financial support for travel, which is based on place of residence or distance to the event location.

translation, Childcare, Shuttle from the train station and individual support can be provided.

To register follow this link

IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS WRITE TO: freedom-of-movement(at)riseup(dot)net

We are looking forward to meeting you!

This event is funded by the European Youth Foundation


Rassemblement international “Liberté de circulation”, en partenariat avec le collectif “International Women* Space” @iwspace.de

Rassemblement international organisé par et pour les personnes racisées, migrantes, réfugiées, demandeurs·euses d’asile et nouveaux arrivant·e·s, où qu’iels soient basé·e·s en Europe

Au cours de 6 jours à la campagne, il y aura des ateliers au sujet des droits légaux, de l’auto-organisation, de l’activisme durable, de l’émancipation, du travail corporel et du mouvement, et nous rendrons visite à des initiatives de résistance établies par les réfugié·e·s à Berlin – Kreuzberg.

QUAND: Du 16 septembre au 21 septembre 2023

OÙ: Brandebourg, Allemagne


Ce rassemblement de 6 jours est consacré à la solidarité et à la résistance des réfugié·e·s et personnes racisées. Les ateliers promeuvent l’émancipation par la mise en réseau et le partage de connaissances, l’objectif étant de créer un guide pour mettre en valeur les connaissances ainsi partagées.

Les ateliers sont conçus par des animateurs·trices qui sont eux·elles-mêmes passé·e·s par des processus de déplacement, de migration et d’asile.

Par leur propre expérience, iels connaissent des outils et stratégies permettant de faire face aux défis au cours des processus lors de l’arrivée.

Le rassemblement et les ateliers sont organisés par des personnes racisé·e·s et majoritairement Queer.

L’ensemble du rassemblement est gratuit pour tous les participant·e·s.

L’hébergement et les repas sont pris en charge.

Un soutien financier est prévu pour les déplacements, en fonction du lieu de résidence des participant·e·s et de la distance par rapport au lieu du rassemblement.

Des services de traduction, de garde d’enfants, de navette depuis la gare et de soutien individuel peuvent être fournis.


Pour vous inscrire, suivez ce lien
POUR TOUTE QUESTION, CONTACTEZ: freedom-of-movement(at)riseup(dot)net

Freedom of Movement – Youth uniting against Borders – Awareness Campaign

Today comes our last post on our awareness campaign Freedom of Movement – Youth uniting against Borders, in preparation of an international gathering by and for BIPoC Migrants, Refugees, Asylum Seekers & new comers based anywhere in Europe. This gathering will be done in partnership with International Women* Space and will be held in September. Soon we will be publishing all the details of this gathering and how to apply. Stay tuned in!

Freedom of Movement – Youth uniting against Borders – Awareness Campaign

Today we present to you our third post on our awareness campaign Freedom of Movement – Youth uniting against Borders, in preparation of an international gathering by and for BIPoC Migrants, Refugees, Asylum Seekers & new comers based anywhere in Europe. This gathering will be done in partnership with International Women* Space and will be held in September. Stay tuned in!

Youth Gathering: Decolonizing Climate Justice and Activism


For the duration of one week in mid August, we will dive into the meaning of climate justice in the European context.  Through various workshops, games and other activities we’ll explore decolonial perspectives on environmental & climate (in)justice, anti-oppression work, food justice and non-western concepts of conservation.

In our week-long journey we will establish a common ground and hopefully dive deeper into these concepts and ideas.  We want to dream together and finally build, and plan a follow-up project to strengthen our movements. It is important for us to provide space and time for discussion, reading, socializing, quiet time, observations and reflection.

Our goal is to provide a space where young people within the climate justice movement in Europe can learn with and from one another and foster exchange in order to build resilient and proactive structures. With this we aim to contribute to a movement that is led by the most affected communities and acts motivated by reciprocity and care.


We strongly want to encourage BIPoC* (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) that have an intersectional experience with various forms of discrimination (e.g. ableism, queer-‚transphobia, classism,…) to apply.

The week is mainly designed for people who are passionate about climate justice and (want to) engage in movement spaces. If you are new to these fields, you are still warmly welcome to apply. There is no pre-required knowledge/ experience standards.

Participants must be based in Germany OR Spain.

*This term includes every person, that experiences racism and/or anti-semitismus.


The whole event will be free of charge for all participants.

* Accommodation & food are covered. Furthermore, there will be a financial travel support based on your location/distance to the venue.

* It is our goal to host a space that is as inclusive as possible and poses little to no barriers to a full participation for everyone. Translation, childcare and individual support will be provided.

German registration form

English registration form

The contents of this workshop-week is organized by BIPoCs and a majority of queer people.