(Dis?)Ability 2: Let’s talk about political activism and inclusion

Welcome to the second lesson of the online course (Dis?)Ability, in which we will explore ways to increase accessibility in activism and event organising. In this second lesson you will learn about political activism and inclusion, and ways in which we can make political activism more accessible. Let yourself be inspired by the actions Cécile is sharing in the video <3

Here come the questions and tasks:

  1. What problems are identified by our expert? Are they relevant for your group or in your context?
  2. Write down 3 simple steps you can implement in the near future to make the information about your actions more accessible.
  3. Together with your group draft a concept of inclusion. Who can you invite to support you? What perspective is dominating in your activities and what is missing? Do you know where to find more information?

Further reading recommendations:
Cripping the resistance article by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Sick Woman Theory by Johanna Hedva

Auf Deutsch:
Artikel über Aleismus in der Linken in Analyse Kritik von Ash

C. Lecomte
Video Edit: C. Lecomte
Polish translation: Alex
Film Edit: Radical Resilience
Graphics: Carolina Arciniegas
Additional Images: @pikisuperstar and @freepik on Instagram
Music: Delila