.on Activists Events 2017

2017 started a while ago, but many exciting events are happening around. Check them out before you go for your holiday, there is a huge chance you will change your plans and join one of them.
If you know of other events that have not been included in this newsletter or would like to contribute with some content for our next one, write us back!
1. Transit Tales, Paris, France. 18.04.2017
2. Mannheim Anarchist Bookfair, Mannheim, Germany. 21-23.04.2017
3. QueerFeminist Spring Festival, Athens, Greece. 27-30.04.2017
4. 3rd Anarchist Congress Kongresono, Wroclaw, Poland. 29-30.04.2017
Working People’s Day Demonstration, Wroclaw, Poland. 1.05.2017
5. Art Book Fair, Gent, Belgium. 5-6.05.2017
6. Training the Trainers in Cologne, Germany. 5-7.05.2017
7. Global Divest from Fossil Fuels (Fools) Week. 5-13.05.2017
8. 2nd Climate Camp, close to Vienna, Austria. 24.-28.05.2017
9. Ecotopia biketour, Germany, France, Spain. 09.06.2017
10. Radical Herbalism, Meuchefitz, Germany. 18.-23.07.2017
11. Czech Climate Camp, near Horní Jiřetín, The Czech Republic. 21.-25.06.2017
12. 38 BUKO congress, Lärz, Germany. 23-25.06.2017
13. Chain Reaction Tihange, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany. 25.06.2017
14. G20 protests, Hamburg, Germany. 7.-8.07.2017
15. International anti-nuclear camp, Döbeln, Germany. 17.-23.07.2017
16. Peace News Summer Camp, near Diss in Norfolk, UK. 27.-31.07.2017
17. War starts here camp, GÜZ Altmark, Potzehne, Germany, 31.07-6.08.2017
18. Eroles Project Residency, Eroles, Spain. 5.-16.08.2017 and 23.08.-3.09.2017
19. AlterTour 2017, France. 8.-20.08.2017
20. Earth First! Summer Gathering, rural site, UK. 9.-14.08.2017
21. Climate Camp in the Rhineland, Germany.  18.-29.08.2017
22. Action days in the Rhineland coal-field, Germany. 24.-29.08.2017
23. Coal phase out is handcraft!, Rhineland, Germany. 24.-29.08.2017
24. Gathering about psycho-emotional health in the context of social justice, Potsdam near Berlin, Germany. 1.-8.09.2017
25. Project: The City, Bonn, Germany. 13.-14.11.2017
26. Eat the rich? Not yet! Worldwide, 2017
1. Transit Tales, Paris, France. 18.04.2017
Open presentation, round-table and debate about participatory photography workshops held recently with asylum seekers in Barcelona and Paris. Join us to check out the photos and to share knowledge and experience about the representation of migration among photographers, refugees, activists, migrants, …
Find out about more upcoming events within the scope of the project: http://cfdbarcelona.com/blog/
2. Mannheim Anarchist Bookfair, Mannheim, Germany. 21-23.04.2017
http://buchmessemannheim.blogsport.eu/ (in german)
3. QueerFeminist Spring Festival, Athens, Greece. 27-30.04.2017
In the last years/months several queer (and) feminist groups and spaces have emerged, joining forces with those few already existing in the difficult circumstances of a sexist/patriarchal society. The aim of this festival is to bring those struggles together, to create a space where these experiences are shared but also provide the chance to learn from others who fight the same struggles in different contexts across the world. Of course, we also want to have fun! Contact us: w_squat@riseup.net
4. 3rd Anarchist Congress Kongresono, Wroclaw, Poland. 29-30.04.2017
Working People’s Day Demonstration, Wroclaw, Poland. 1.05.2017
Kongresono is a grassroots initiative – together we try to create space for meetings and discussions, encourage dialogue within the anarchist movement and strengthen contacts between its members. During the two-day conference we will have a chance to examine a broad spectrum of current issues and reflect on the perspective of our future activities, their goals and possibilities for action.
On 1st May we are taking to the streets to put the theory into practice through action! By returning to the original meaning and ideals that this date represents, we refer to the long tradition of workers’ movements.
5. Art Book Fair, Gent, Belgium. 5-6.05.2017
In the rough-and-tumble docks of Ghent the fair will showcase contemporary art books by more then 45 (inter)national independent publishers. Besides manifold book launches and signings, the side program will include international publishers’ and designers’ lectures, artists’ performances and exhibitions.
6. Training the Trainers in Cologne, Germany. 5-7.05.2017
This Training the Trainers aims to support actions of civil disobedience by building training capacity among grassroots activist groups in Europe. It is an opportunity to help prepare groups for mass actions of disobedience. If you are interested, please write to this email address: ttt-international@riseup.net.
7. Global Divest from Fossil Fuels (Fools) Week. 5-13.05.2017
Investing in fossil fuels means investing in a future of climate catastrophe — this May, join people around the world to move our money in the right direction.
8. 2nd Climate Camp, close to Vienna, Austria. 24-28.05.2017
The program of this year’s Climate Camp will include workshops on various topics, interesting presentations, audience discussions, and of course the important aspect of action planning and development. The camp needs your support – all of us can contribute and actively help to shape the second Austrian Climate Camp.
Let’s turn the camp into a colorful, open and interesting place to meet, which puts a focus on climate justice!
9. Ecotopia biketour, Germany, France, Spain. 09.06.2017
Ecotopia is a self-organised, international activist community that organizes a yearly biketour in different regions of Europe. The tour generally lasts 3 months over the summer, we visit projects of an environmental or social nature and contribute to and learn from the places. Ecotopia Biketour is for anyone interested in traveling by bike, community life, DIY, environmentalism and experiential learning. https://www.ecotopiabiketour.net/2017-2/get-involved
10. Radical Herbalism, Meuchefitz, Germany. 18-23.07.2017
We want to look at healing and health in a new way to broaden and deepen our understanding. What is shaping our understanding of health, our perception, our mindsets and behaviour? We want to (re-)learn to perceive earth as a lively organism in which everything is connected to each other.
For one week we want to create a space for exchange, questions and challenges; a space to learn, to experiment, to reflect, to get into conversations with each other, but also to make music, to play and to drink tea, to open up space for concrete healing.
11. Czech Climate Camp, near Horní Jiřetín, The Czech Republic. 21-25.06.2017
The camp will entail a program with workshops (with translation into English), art, culture and a mass action against coal infrastructure. The camp area will most likely be close to the mine.
12. 38 BUKO congress, Lärz, Germany. 23-25.06.2017
This year, BUKO congress will be part of the MOVE Utopia meeting. More than 1000 people are expected to meet and deal with non-hierarchical, degrowth living and economy, system change and social and ecological transformation.
13. Chain Reaction Tihange, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany. 25.06.2017
The human chain takes place for the immediate shutdown of the nuclear power plants Tihange 2 and Doel. It symbolizes the common protest from different European countries and languages and is constructed in such a way that in each section people from different nations are gathered together.
14. G20 protests, Hamburg, Germany. 7-8.07.2017
Global Solidarity Summit, days of action, international anti-capitalistic demonstration, critical mass and more! Check the website for more details.
15. International anti-nuclear camp, Döbeln, Germany. 17-23.07.2017
This summer camp will be an opportunity to meet with interesting people from many regions of Europe and beyond, to prepare campaigns or projects, to do actions and to learn about atomic topics. It will also be a place to get to know each other in a relaxed environment and to get rid of every day stress.
There will be skill-sharing events, workshops and lectures, documentaries, an excursion to the abandoned WISMUT uranium mine and opportunities for public actions.
16. Peace News Summer Camp, near Diss in Norfolk, UK. 27-31.07.2017
We will have workshops and discussions, practical skills sessions, music, delicious vegan food cooked by Veggies, films, fun and DIY entertainment, a bar, campfires, and activities and facilities for kids and families.
17. War starts here camp, GÜZ Altmark, Potzehne, Germany, 31.07-6.08.2017
With the camp we’ll take a strong stand against the belligerent situation underlying war, terror, flight and migration. We’re struggling for a world in which no one is forced to leave one’s home due to war or wo*man-made devastation of one’s basis of life. For a world without borders for everyone!
18. Eroles Project Residency, Eroles, Spain. 5-16.08.2017 and 23.08.-3.09.2017
Eroles Project offers two 12-day residencies this August, aimed at preparing us towards a deeper understanding of our political agency. After the residencies participants of both programmes will be invited to put their learning into practice through the co-creation of an event(s) or project(s) in 2017/2018 that look to bring emerging politics into the wider world.
19. AlterTour 2017, France. 8-20.08.2017
Participants of this year’s AlterTour get to cycle through some beautiful regions of southern France while forming a solidarity chain. Since 2008, this bike tour has brought people together for various environmental justice themes; this year’s programme is still in development.
altertour.net/ (in french)
20. Earth First! Summer Gathering, rural site, UK. 9-14.08.2017
The EF! Summer Gathering is a chance for people and groups from across the country and beyond to get together to network, share practical skills, ideas and inspiration to help our actions and campaigns be as strategic and effective as possible. This is an annual gathering for grassroots ecological direct action, this year focusing on welcoming people from impacted communities.
21. Climate Camp in the Rhineland, Germany.  18-29.08.2017
There will be networking, education, arts and actions… and trying out tomorrow’s society right now – social, ecological and based on grassroots democracy. At the camp the Degrowth Summer School will take place for the third time, where the concept of degrowth is put into action: By learning practical skills and analyzing political and economic developments.
22. Action days in the Rhineland coal-field, Germany. 24-29.08.2017
23. Coal phase out is handcraft!, Rhineland, Germany. 24-29.08.2017
We want to support you in the preparation for your action. That is why, together with others, we offer workshops in various cities previous to the action days. You will find dates and locations at our homepage. Feel free to ask us for a workshop in your city. During the action days we will be present on the climate camp. Join the action days, Join Zucker im Tank! Write us: zuckerimtank@riseup.net
24. Gathering about psycho-emotional health in the context of social justice, Potsdam near Berlin, Germany. 1-8.09.2017
Come and be part of a radical, international gathering of conversation, ideas and practises around/for psycho-emotional health in the context of working for social justice. Join us for a week of workshops, discussion spaces, info exchange, collective & self-care tools, networks of support and solidarity. Write us: gpeh@riseup.net
25. Project: The City, Bonn, Germany. 13-14.11.2017
A guerrilla film project taking place at night on the streets of Bonn during COP 23. A call for films responding to the theme of CLIMATE CHANGE and CITYSCAPES. Coordinated by Eroles Project. If you want to take part of it contact us. info@erolesproject.org
26. Eat the rich? Not yet! Worldwide, 2017
You probably know what EYFA is, right? Pretty well organized network supporting grassroots, collectively organized youth movements focusing on environmental and social justice. But also relying on money, still. Being dependent on institutional funders has advantages and disadvantages (we talk about them all the time), but for sure makes us insecure about each upcoming year. That is why we are asking for donations. They matter, even small amounts help us to maintain our work. Consider supporting us with money or ask around, some people have it a lot. Thanks!
Account name: EYFA
IBAN: NL43INGB0004657962
Bank address: ING NV Amsterdam, PO Box 1800,
1000 BV, Amsterdam