Train the Trainer 8.-10. April Berlin

This Training the Trainers (TtT) aims to support actions of civil disobedience by building training capacity among grassroots activist groups.

More concretely, it’s an opportunity to help prepare groups for mass actions of disobedience like the Ende Gelände Action for climate justice that will take place in Lausatia (Germany) in May. But action trainings are not only helpfull for actions of different scale, they can also help to strengthen our affinity groups and deepen the preparation and level of organisation in our social movements.

We hope this training will enable participants to give action trainings in their context. So it would be important that people who want to come have the clear intend to organise trainings in their region, or help moderate / facilitate trainings somewhere else. Because actually giving a training in the months after the TtT is part of whats needed to learn to become an action trainer. There are no participation fees, the costs will be covered through donations. There are good possibilities to support people’s travel to the TtT. Generally a bit of experience on participation in action trainings, direct actions or facilitation would be helpful to participate. People are asked to attend all the sessions.

start: Friday, 8.April 16:00
end: Sunday, 10.April 14:30

If you are interested please write to this email address answering the following questions as soon as possible until the 22 March:
* Name or Nickname
* What is your activist background/experience?
* Are you currently active in any group?
* Why would you like to participate in the training?
* How do you imagine to use the knowledge after the training?
* Do you need support to cover the travel costs?

The training will be accessible to English speakers, international participants are welcome. We want to ensure a diversity of backgrounds among the participants. If you have problems with the language you can contact us and ask about possibilities of translation.

Write us to this email address if you have any question and we’ll try to help you

skills for action