Core Objectives

EYFA has four core objectives at the center of everything we do:

  • Capacity building: EYFA strives to empower individuals and grassroots initiatives to organize against injustice and structural inequality at multiple levels, by equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to access funding and optimize the use of our common resources. Additionally, EYFA encourages and supports movement-level solidarity initiative among youth initiatives that share common goals.
  • Civic engagement and participatory processes: EYFA supports grassroots movements in creating horizontal and participatory structures, enabling communities to develop and share their own educational resources. Thanks to its long experience in civil engagement paired with the diversity of its staff and board members, EYFA also facilitates critical engagement with issues of systemic inequalities within environmental and social justice movements, such as racism, classism or ableism.
  • Cross-regional Cooperation:  EYFA promotes collaboration among grassroots groups across Europe by initiating joint projects and encouraging the exchange of ideas, histories, and experiences, tailored to diverse political and social contexts.
  • Intersectionality: Recognizing the inherent interconnectedness of structural injustices is central to EYFA’s logical frameworks. Therefore, we adopt an intersectional approach in every aspect of our work, because we believe to be a fundamental framework through which to approach socio-ecological issues as well as community civic engagement. By addressing the multiple axes of power and oppression, EYFA aims to foster transformative social justice and inclusivity within our initiatives.