EDIT This Wednesday’s EVENT has been rescheduled and will happen online in June EDIT

As we have had to reorganize our scheduled activities, join us for an online panel discussion as part of the series ‘Plant Awareness to Grow Solidarity’ on 11.06. Our volunteers will moderate the discussion with a few speakers from our network to share on the topic of Mutual Aid.
We find this topic especially important during this time of global crisis as a means of social solidarity. Guest speakers from Nightlife Emergency Fund and Solidarisches Neukoelln will be there! There will be time for Q&A after so bring your questions and curiosity.
(Note: we are not experts, just young activists, so we’re also open to input from other sources of knowledge/experiences)
11 June 2020. Register to participate via eyfa@eyfa.org and we will send you a link.
See you then!