The event is organised by 3 Black people, Abeni from the @blackearthkollektiv and Black Wendland as well as Karla and Nicole, co-funders of @alotifarm . We are interest in farming in practical as well as politcal and spirutual terms and our goal is to to reclaim and heal our connection to the land.
We are plannning to have a skill share format for the weekend, so every participant can share their perspectives, experiences, questions, knowledge about farming, and specially african indigenous farming techniques. We will have both discussions groups and practical sessions to work the land of aloti farm.
The weekend will take place at Arruda, a self organised queer-feminist living project in Brandenburg with an intersectional approach and anti-discriminatory Seminar House. Arruda also hosts the newly founded aloti-farm, a farm run by a small collective of racialized people.
This is an event for Black people / people of african-descend only.
30 Sept – 02 Oct
Registration <blackfarming@riseup.net>