Zine – Our life, our Land!

We are very happy to share with our zine Our Life, our Land! This zine is the result of the workshop with the same name which we held in July. During it we had info talks with QTIBIPoC farmers and gardeners, who are fighting for the right to access land and for the production of quality crops that nourish entire communities. As a result we were able to identify and analyse the issues faced by young people in rural areas and young people displaced from their land. We could also raise awareness on land struggle and the connection to ancestral farming techniques. We finalised with the promotion educational food programs, urban garden, permaculture and food sovereignty.

Happy reading!

Zine – Spanish version

Zine – English version


‘I’d like to put the making of this zine into context. I’ve been an immigrant since I was a child, having been forcibly displaced from my home country because of a conflict that’s spanned enough generations and seen enough violence that our people’s diaspora is larger than the total population of some European nation-states that have existed for centuries.

I am no longer that child, but as I fully embody the choices that I have made in the early years of my adulthood, the things that I have come to accept and embrace about myself, my background, my identity and my trauma, that child’s curiosity and wish to go home has resurfaced…”

To check more stories download our new zine ‘NECESSITY NECESSITY’, a report on queer diaspora and trans* voices.

We are double booked!

Leipzig and Geneva, here we come!

We are happy to announce that we are gonna be part of 2 info events where we can talk a bit more about this year’s projects and introduce our publication Autonomous Passage. The events are to happen simultaneously in both Leipzig and Geneva with local youth initiatives. The info sessions are a continuation of topics discussed on our youth gathering and also a chance to present our publication to all of you.

Due to the ongoing pandemic the events have reduced in-person participation, write us for registration. But heeey we are also gonna be streaming it live!

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