We are trying to reactivate an international solidarity network supporting the ZAD, the occupation movement in Notre Dame des Landes, North Western France, struggling against the planned airport and its world. This seems ever more urgent and important as eviction threats are getting more and more pressing.
To that effect, we are trying to relaunch a network of volunteer translators which would translate texts for the zad’s website zad.nadir.org (call outs, press releases, etc) that in turn would be used to relay the movement’s news and call outs on websites and networks in various countries, hereby increasing the possibilities for exchanges and international solidarity.
We are contacting you as we hope that you could help us to distribute these texts and give them visibility in your respective countries and networks.
Here is the way we would like to proceed:
– from the zad, we will put texts online on a secure website. Once the texts translated, we would send them on a email list, to which we invite you to subscribe (by telling us that you’d like to be on it). Then you would be able to distribute them to your networks.
– It’d be great if you could let us know when you distribute the texts, so as to avoid cross postings.
Many thanks to let us know to which extent and how often you think you’d be able to take part in this international network.
Interested? You can get in touch via zad (at) riseup.net
Thanks very much in advance,
In solidarity,
Some Zadists
PS: For more info about the zad struggle read this beautiful little booklet – Defending the zad