This is an invitation for Generative Somatics Training for grassroots Activists in Central Eastern Europe and Caucasus – End of October in Romania.
Healing and social justice are interdependent: we need both personal and systemic change to create the world we want. Our movements have many strengths and are filled with deeply committed people. We also experience high levels of burnout, conflict, trauma, shame and blame, hopelessness and disconnection, as well as ongoing repression and state violence. Trauma and oppression impact our work, often leaving us reactive, isolated and overwhelmed. In order to build powerful movements towards radical social change it is important for us to work on ourselves and our collectives so that we can bring the full capacity of our whole beings, our brains, hearts and guts to our political work.
Course Details:
This course is geared towards grassroots activists from Central Eastern Europe and Causasus. Around 25 people, accepted through application, will spend 5 full days in Romania together working on personal and collective transformation. The course will be held in accessible International English.
Who is this course for?
Everybody involved with grassroots struggles within Central Eastern Europe and Caucasus is welcome to apply. Applications from underrepresented groups within activist communities are especially invited. Please note that this training is for your personal development and will not train you to teach these practices to others.
The course is led by Gesine Wenzel, Hilary Moore and three teaching assistants from Central Eastern Europe. All have a long history of involvement in grassroots struggles. Gesine and Hilary are part of the generative somatics teaching team in the US. You will find full trainer’s bios on the blog.
The training will be held in Măguri-Răcătău, 45km South-West of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The course starts on Saturday 24th of October in the afternoon, and ends on Friday the 30th of October after lunch time. Accomodation in shared bedrooms and vegan food will be provided. This training is alcohol and drug free. Unfortunately, the space is not wheelchair accessible.
We hold a strong commitment to making this training accessible to participants regardless of their ability to pay. At the same time we need to cover the basic costs of the course. We have some funding, – and we will still need contributions from participants. We are offering a sliding scale of 50-500 € in order to be as inclusive as possible. Please pay as much as you honestly can. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need support for travel costs or if money stops you from coming.
Application and full-time attendance are required. Please apply by May 15 – you can expect to hear back from us latest by June 15.
More information and application: https://somatics4activism.noblogs.org
Contact: inourbodies_onthestreets@riseup.net