100 places in Poland declared themselves as “LGBT-free zones”. Queers are not welcome there. In 2015 the PiS party came with nearly 40% of the votes into government for whom homo-and transphobia is a fundamental part of their ideology. In spite of this political climate activists took the streets and created public form of protest like creatively changing monuments. In the last years Germany witnessed an uprise in anti-queer-networks like the “Demo für Alle” (March for all) were right and christian groups organised nationwide protest.
In this online event collectives from Poland and Germany will discuss right movements and queer resistance. Members of Kopacze queer-feminist-village collective (https://kopacze.space/), solidarisch unaufgefordert queer (suqpolitix.org) and the Inicjatywa 8 Marca from Wroclaw will talk about queer life in our cities and how right movements are connected internationally on an ideological level. We will discuss how the role of the nuclear family and hate against LGBTIQ people are an intertwined narrative of conservative and right movements.
Together we will think about the potential of resistance across borders and ways of creating queer and feminist alliances beyond the event.
The event will take place online https://bit.ly/3psQmWi (the link will be activated on the day of the event. You don´t have to register for it!) on February 28th at 6pm and in english.
Pic info: the black Madonna with rainbow halo was used by Elżbieta Podleśna to protest the sex-negative attitude of the church.