UNITED NEIGHBOURS // De­mons­tra­ti­on at 27th of Sep­tem­ber // 3 p.m. // Spreewaldplatz

united neighbours

The pro­tests at Ora­ni­en­platz, at the oc­cup­ied school in Ohlau­er Stra­ße and now at Gür­tel­stras­se have taken the strugg­le against ra­cism and ca­pi­ta­lism in the city to a new level. We, re­fu­gees and urban ac­tivists, fight to­ge­ther against con­di­ti­ons in which our need for hou­sing, free­dom of mo­ve­ment, so­li­da­ri­ty, and a self-​de­ter­mined life are sup­pres­sed by the go­vern­ment and the po­li­ce.

There is an ob­vious in­ten­ti­on to crush the re­sis­tan­ce against the se­gre­ga­ting Lager and asyl­um sys­tem: In the case of Gür­tel­stras­se, po­li­ti­ci­ans and po­li­ce have gone to the ex­tre­me and de­pri­ved the re­fu­gees of their right to be re­cognis­ed as human beings. Si­mi­lar me­cha­nis­ms are used to force Roma peop­le out of pu­blic pla­ces like the Gör­lit­zer Park.

In other urban strugg­les such as the one against ri­sing rents, gen­tri­fi­ca­ti­on and forced evic­tions, we also wit­ness con­stant at­tempts to in­ti­mi­da­te peop­le and to cri­mi­na­li­se the pro­tests – so that the neo­li­be­ral re­struc­tu­ring of the city can con­ti­nue wi­thout re­sis­tan­ce.

>> We won‘t let our strugg­les be crus­hed, split and di­vi­ded.
>> We want a life wi­thout fear of evic­tions, wi­thout Lager, de­por­ta­ti­ons and dis­pla­ce­ments.
>> We fight – be­cau­se it pays off, as the re­sis­tan­ce against the evic­tion of the school and preven­ted forced evic­tions have shown.

Against a city of re­pres­si­on, ca­pi­ta­list com­pe­ti­ti­on, and ra­cism – for a city of hu­ma­ni­ty and so­li­da­ri­ty.

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