2020 has made everyone think about what is essential – caring for people, for society and for the planet that sustains us. Crisis is all around us: health, the economy, neo-colonialism, structural discriminations of all kinds, injustice and inequality, ecological collapse. And these crises are interconnected.
Our so-called political leaders should take this moment to correct their dire wrongs, but instead, they are neglecting basic human needs and rights. Spending our money to feed the greed of corporate climate criminals who line their pockets through human exploitation and environmental extraction.
It’s high time for a radical change.
We desperately need to heal ecologies, societies, bodies, public services and economies. To achieve that, we need direct action, based on local realities in order to block politics and companies of mass destruction.
Economic, social and environmental justice must be at the top of the agenda! We all must urgently take care of each other and our planet. It’s essential work that cannot stay at home!
The crises we face can’t be solved individually. We need to learn and listen actively, take action collectively and carefully. The uprising begins the last week of September and continues for three weeks, as part of a wave of actions from By2020WeRiseUp and climate justice groups from all over Europe.
Follow the actions here. Watch and share the video. Engage!