We’d like to share this invitation for the upcoming BIPoC+ Climate Conference in November in Leipzig.
Dear friends and fellow-fighters,
We, who identify ourselves as Black, Indigenous and People of Color
climate activists in a white dominated space, have come to the
conclusion that it is necessary to organize a conference for BIPoC+
people who are interested in climate questions and climate justice.
Just as no one can save the world alone, no one can take care of
themselves alone. We think it is necessary to build a wider network and
create a space to share experiences with which we are confronted at the
intersection of climate justice movement and racism. We want to organize
a conference for the BIPoC climate activists, where we create a space
for an exchange of such discussions. Storytelling, different
perspectives, developing strategies and education on new topics are
among our goals. The program is not yet settled, so we are open for
input and suggestions.
When: November 14-15, 2020
Where: Leipzig, place to be announced.
Duration: 2 days
Despite Corona we still want to try to get this event going. For this
purpose a team has been meeting for some weeks now and has already
planned a lot of things, but we are happy about new people.On Saturday
the 12.09.2020 at 13 o’clock you are cordially invited to participate in
the online plenum and help with the organization of the conference. If
you want to be part of it, please contact us until Friday, 11.09.2020 at
the e-mail address: bipoconference2020@riseup.net
For planning purposes we need for you to register, if you are planning
on coming. Please send us an e-mail to the above address with the
following information:
Do you need accommodation in Leipzig? (If so, would it be ok for you to
stay with white people? We organize a bed exchange, so we need the info)
Do you need childcare? If so, for how many people?
Do you have any food intolerances?
Do you need a translation (German to English and vice versa, Spanish,
Arabic, etc.)?
Please spread this information in your networks and feel free to contact
us for more information on how to participate or how you can support us.
All the best and hopefully see you soon,
the Orga-Team