Movies for Climate Justice

flyerKitchen for All & Movie Screening – every second Wednesday of the Month

Starting from 11th March we’ll be inviting you to take part in a monthly movie screening event. We’ll be preparing and serving vegan meals and show a documentary about environmental topics. After the movie we ‘ll have the chance to discuss possibilities to engage for climate justice.


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Vostok Forum 2014: Call for participants

Humanistic youth movement Murmansk, Roter Baum e.V. Leipzig, Demokratic Youth Forum Brandenburg and AG Russland invite you to participate in the transnational summer academy Vostok Forum in Murmansk region/ Russia.

What is the Vostok Forum?
The Vostok forum is a non-commercial exchange project of political self-education with its own specific features, which takes place since 2006 in the region of Murmansk. During the project our main principles are self-organization and self-empowerment. Coordinators only create the conditions. The program of the summer academy (including cultural leisure
activities) is flexibly taking into account interests of the participants. The project is supported by the Rosa-Luxemburg foundation.

Place: Murmansk region, accommodation in a tourist base near Murmansk and few days in hotel in Murmanks

Time: 28.07.- 06.08.2014

Titel: »Looking back and looking forward«

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