The migrant communities in Calais.
Creative Action Training
For Central and Eastern European Organizers
September 9-13, 2014
Budapest, Hungary
As global temperatures rise, we see a new urgency for social and political action. The fossil fuel industry is polluting our bodies, our land, our atmosphere and even our democracies. We are up against the richest corporations in the history of money – to stop them we are going to have to get creative!
Read more:
Call for solidarity with Moroccan activists
A Moroccan activist from AMDH (Moroccan Human Rights Association) has been sentenced to one year in prison after denouncing torture. We are calling for people to show solidarity, and protest in front of the Moroccan embassy for liberation of all political prisoners in Morocco.
CALL FOR SUPPORT: translation and publication of Emma Goldman’s “Living my life” in Russian
The publishing cooperative Radical Theory & Practice from Moscow has initiated a new project: translating Emma Goldman’s autobiography “Living My Life” into Russian and printing it for distribution. This will be the first ever, integral translation of the work into Russian; three abridged chapters were translated in 2009 by Sharapov*. This work consists of 56 chapters in which Goldman describes her political and personal life: her childhood, her time in Russia and reflections on the Russian Revolution, going on till 1927. The book was first published in English in two parts in 1931 and 1934, and has been reissued several times since, and translated into many other languages, but never into Russian.
This text is relevant not only as part of the body of libertarian and feminist works on theory & practice, but also for historians, social scientists and feminists outside in all of the post-soviet countries. Such a translation will find an audience in
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia and further on amongst Russian readers.
Call out for applicants: Taking our lives back. Community organising against precarity and exclusion
We, the 15M STOP-DESAHUCIOS platform from Córdoba (Spain) and EYFA want to invite you to participate in our “Community Organising against exclusion and precarity” youth meeting.
It will take place in Córdoba (Andalucía, Spain) between the 20th and 27th of October 2014 and aims to gather young community activists to shared and develop knowledge and practical skills to combat exclusion and precarity as well as to self-organise alternative ways out of the crisis.
The deadline for applications has been extended to the 20th of September.
Resistance against the Eisenhüttenstadt Deportation factory is necessary! We are a group of refugees and solidary people who have been fighting against the deportation jail and isolation for more than one year. We have been fighting for our right to stay where we want, to go where and when we want. We demand a better life! What is the necessity of the deportation jail?
Welcome to the new EYFA website!
After a long period of planning, scheming and dreaming we’re happy to finally be able to launch our new website. It’s a work in progress so come back for more updates.
If you’re looking for any materials that were available on the old website you can still access everything here at
How few we know about refugees in Belarus
There has been almost no information about migrants or refugees in Belarus, although this is a country where many people can end up when trying to cross the European border. Officially there are no deportation centers in Belarus, and most people awaiting deportation are kept in pre-trial facilities in the cities. Activists arrested during the World Hockey championship in Minsk were kept in the same cell with one of them, a Congolese migrant, former war veteran, who refused to go back to war and tore his passport. He was kept there for more then 6 month, and he is in very bad condition – refuses to talk, almost doesn’t eat, doesn’t go for a walk. People say that he may be a bit crazy after all this time without knowing his rights and future. He only speaks French and of course nobody in prison does. After this information became known, some HROs and other activists tried to help him, making requests, giving parcels and writing postcards. But on June 5th he was deported and maybe already punished in Congo for his felony against the country. Several more migrants were found in the same facility, people are trying to get in contact with them, but it’s extremely difficult.
Read more about the case on the media:
Rosia Montana Activist Social Forum
The Rosia Montana Activist Social Forum takes place during FânFest, the hay festival of Roșia Montană, and the biggest multi-art activist festival in Romania. 2014 marks the 3rd edition of the RMForum, which is scheduled from the 12 to the 16th of August, and the 9th edition of the festival.
The fight against cyanide based gold mining and corruption often touches upon other initiatives, campaigns and struggles around Europe. The #RMForum unites these energies, discussions and calls for action in a social gathering open to the wide public. With more than 30 workshops, three plenaries and speakers from 10 countries, the Rosia Montana social forum is the biggest of its kind in Romania.
Find out more about FânFest and the Rosia Montana Activist Social Forum.
Earth First Summer Gathering! August
a place for people involved in radical green direct action to come together to talk, share skills, learn, listen, play, rant, find out whats going on, scheme, live outdoors, hang out, laugh.
experience non hierarchical, low impact, family friendly living.
Find out more about the gathering here:
An activist camp that spans 5 days and consists of a programme of workshops throughout each day facilitated by people like you and me who think they have a skill or a level of knowledge in a subject that is valuable to share with others to improve their activism. You can facilitate a workshop by using the contact form. All workshops are optional – go to what you want/think will help you develop.
The camp is run on the principle of consensus decision making.
We are ALL crew and participants – the person writing this is a volunteer and pays to get in like you do – you will be expected to help run the camp, with jobs needing to be done announced in a camp-wide morning meeting. This will also make you feel like a core part of this camp…because you are and it literally couldn’t run without you!
Everyone is really friendly, you don’t need to come with friends – you’ll make them, and it’s a chance to link up with like-minded individuals for planning future actions – whatever they may be…