‘Unite! Young women* exploring labour rights’ – video screening in Berlin

We’ve got a special screening for you Berlin! 22nd November 2018 at 19:00 in NYimB. The short film artistically and convincingly conveys the perspectives of young women* activists on the labour market.

After the video there will be an opportunity to ask the questions to people, who took part in the movie and chat about our favorite topics – money, labour market, neo-liberalism, capitalism, unemployment, retirement and many many more.

Миру мир: Connecting peace-building communities across Europe – sing up for the workshop

The second workshop facilitated by EYFA EVS volunteers will take place on next Thursday – the 19th of November. Title: What is the problem with nationalism? (2.5h)

Workshop goals:
1. Common understanding of nationalism.
2. Analysis of the negative impact and consequences of national identities.
3. Critical reflection on internalised attitudes and behaviours.
4. Designing personal and collective action to counter the negatives of nationalism.

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EVENT – Reading Circle on Protesting and Persisting

We’re really excited about a Rebecca Solnit text and we would like to share it with you at this week’s Reading Circle. Come gather with us on Thursday 8.11. at 19:00 at NYimB (as usual!) where we’ll discuss ‘Protest and Persist: why giving up hope is not an option’. Topic suitable for optimists and pessimists alike.

Миру мир: Connecting peace-building communities across Europe – sign up for the workshop

The first workshop facilitated by EYFA EVS volunteers will take place on next Thursday – the 23rd of October. Title: Peacebuilding for the beginners (2.5h).

Let’s sit together and:

  • answer the question – what is peacebuilding?
  • learn about the cycle of peacebuilding
  • compare violent and non-violent actions
  • define the conflict, power and empowerment.

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EVENT – Presentation and Discussion: Russia, Ukraine, Spain – our struggles for social justice

All 3 of our EVS volunteers invite you to this international evening on Thursday, 18.10. in NYimB. We’ve got their unique perspectives on the social justice movements in Russia, Ukraine and Spain. It’s gonna be an evening packed with content, so please come on time! We’ll also make space for questions and discussion, so bring your curiosity too!

(Note: we are not experts, just young activists, so we’re also open to input from other sources of knowledge/experiences)