Weekly Friday demo in Bil’in

Today in the village of Bil’in, residents (accompanied by Israeli and international solidarity activists) marched in solidarity with the hunger striking political prisoners. Marchers held posters with images of prisoners, and some wore prison uniforms, calling for the release of prisoners, and an end to the Israeli occupation. Three Palestinian journalist were injured today at the weekly demonstration in Bil’in against the wall and the settlements. One was taken to hospital. Three more journalists escaped being hit by rubber bullets thanks to their bulletproof vests. Soldiers fired tear gas and rubber coated bullets directly at a group of clearly marked journalists, in addition to shooting at the 80 or demonstrators marching to the wall. several demonstrators were dressed in an Israeli prison uniform, in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike.


EYFA Newsletter — Summer 2014

Back by popular demand, here is a round up of activists events, gatherings, camps and meetings happening around Europe this summer.

Have an event planned this summer or autumn that should be included? Email eyfa [at] eyfa.org and we’ll add it to the website.

1. Ecotopia Biketour – tour still being defined
2. The Beat of Courage; the Shape of Hope: Berlin, Germany
3. Musta Pispala — Anarchist Counter-Culture festival: Tampere, Finland
4. Cycling alternatives — Neolution: around Europe
5. Autonomous Workers Union Summer Camp: Ukraine
6. Climate camp in the Rhineland: Borschemich, Germany
7. War Starts Here Camp:  near Magdeburg, Germany
8. Reboot Ecotopia Meeting: Berlin, Germany
9. Fantastic Convergence of Resistance: Frankfurt (Main), Germany
10. Pense Comme Une Foret, Belgium

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Vostok Forum 2014: Call for participants

Humanistic youth movement Murmansk, Roter Baum e.V. Leipzig, Demokratic Youth Forum Brandenburg and AG Russland invite you to participate in the transnational summer academy Vostok Forum in Murmansk region/ Russia.

What is the Vostok Forum?
The Vostok forum is a non-commercial exchange project of political self-education with its own specific features, which takes place since 2006 in the region of Murmansk. During the project our main principles are self-organization and self-empowerment. Coordinators only create the conditions. The program of the summer academy (including cultural leisure
activities) is flexibly taking into account interests of the participants. The project is supported by the Rosa-Luxemburg foundation.

Place: Murmansk region, accommodation in a tourist base near Murmansk and few days in hotel in Murmanks

Time: 28.07.- 06.08.2014

Titel: »Looking back and looking forward«

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Launching the Skillsharing website

The Skillshare Portal is an easy-to-access portal to resource guides and workshop modules that are made by and for activist groups across Europe in topics like consensus and facilitation , strategy / anti-oppression and direct action. There is an amazing amount of knowledge and skills in activist networks around the world and this website hopes to make these as accessible as possible. There are resources and modules in various languages and from diverse contexts.


Ignite! An anti-racist toolkit

“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.”–Audre Lorde

Ignite is a collection of texts and workshops to be used in formal and non-formal anti-racist education.  The materials are being translated into 5 languages (English, Romanian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Romani).  The toolkit is now online at the following link: https://antiracist-toolkit.net

A key principle in the creation and selection of materials for this toolkit is the use of an anti-oppression framework, based on a structural and historical approach.  In Europe, much of the education (both formal and non-formal) about differences amongst people, discrimination and prejudice focus on the individual. It looks at the behaviour and attitudes of individual people, with the purpose of helping us to understand our differences and learn more about each other’s experiences and cultures. However, it tends to ignore or undervalue systems of power and long-term historical perspectives.

In creating this Toolkit, we wanted to explore how the concepts and ideas relate to a central-east European context (Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania in particular) and adapt them where required. Roma people and communities continue to experience widespread persecution and stigmatisation, a phenomenon which has been ingrained in European cultures for hundreds of years. Building awareness of the situation is not enough. Tolerance within individuals is not enough. We want to promote social change towards ending racism and Romaphobia!

Call for Support: Protest March to Bruxelles




Interconnected Refugee & Migrant Movements – Protest March against Fortress Europe!

From Strasbourg to Brussels, May and June 2014

The European council and the European ministers of foreign affairs make racist and prohibitive policies against refugees and migrants on a very high level. In reaction to the recent admitted mass drowning in the Mediterranean, they only concluded to arm the forces that control and aggressively prevent people’s movement, such as frontex. They will hold their next summit at the 26th and 27th of June in Brussels.



Call participants Seminar to develop responses to Homophobic and Transphobic Hate Speech effecting Young People

nhsm-1420x600In cooperation with the SOGI Unit, in connection with a European Action Day for the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia

14 – 18 May 2014 (travel days included) European Youth Centre Budapest

The seminar

In connection to the 17 May International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia the Youth Department in cooperation with the Sexual Orientation and Sexual Identity Unit of the Council of Europe will organise a three day seminar.
The seminar will explore the challenges faced by young people who are targeted by hate speech because of their sexual orientation and gender identity and how to develop adequate responses to such homophobic and transphobic expressions.

The recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity provides a strong bases for action. Specifically article 6 which calls for measures to combat all forms of expression, including in the media and on the Internet, which likely to spreading or promoting hatred or other forms of discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons’. This article however also reminds us that all measures should respect the fundamental right to freedom of expression in accordance with Article 10 of the Convention and the case law of the Court.’

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65 days non-violent Blockade Büchel – an act of civil disobedience


Büchel65: 26.03. – 29.05.2015
Nuclear weapons are still a reality in Germany. That’s why we are inviting local and (inter-)national groups and activists to express their opposition to the deployment and storage of nuclear weapons through non-violent blockades. On as many days as possible within a period of 65 days, different groups will blockade a gate or gates of the Büchel nuclear base for one whole day each (or longer, if they like). You will arrive the day before and prepare for your action with our help. How many gates do you want to blockade? What will you do if the police clear the blockade? You’ll live nearby (we’ll help you to find accommodation) and the next morning we’ll accompany your action. You decide when to end your blockade and we’ll end the day of action with a joint evaluation.

All you need are 2 days and people who you were able to inspire to join you in blockading. What about motivating your local anti-nuclear group, or bring your Attac group with you, or even celebrate your birthday at the gate? Every single blockade will disrupt the smooth running of the base. And we bring attention to the issue that nuclear weapons that are stored there and their potential use. Our idea for the action is in the same tradition as “Faslane365” and “Gorleben365”. Abolish nuclear weapons – close Büchel

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