UNITED NEIGHBOURS // De­mons­tra­ti­on at 27th of Sep­tem­ber // 3 p.m. // Spreewaldplatz

united neighbours

The pro­tests at Ora­ni­en­platz, at the oc­cup­ied school in Ohlau­er Stra­ße and now at Gür­tel­stras­se have taken the strugg­le against ra­cism and ca­pi­ta­lism in the city to a new level. We, re­fu­gees and urban ac­tivists, fight to­ge­ther against con­di­ti­ons in which our need for hou­sing, free­dom of mo­ve­ment, so­li­da­ri­ty, and a self-​de­ter­mined life are sup­pres­sed by the go­vern­ment and the po­li­ce.

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Urgent call out for donations anti-prison and migrants struggle in Morocco

In Northern Morocco, many illegalised migrants and refugees are stuck, waiting for a chance to cross over to Europe. These past months, racist harassment has increased, particularly in Boukhalef, a quarter on the
outskirts of Tangier.

In the night between the 29th and 30th of August, this culminated in the stabbing of a young Senegalese migrant named Charles. The migrant community immediately responded to the murder by taking to the streets, protesting against this extreme form of racism.

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Invitation from the migrant communities for a demo in Calais 05.09

In the last weeks many of us had to face a lot of police violence. Some of us got broken hands and others broken legs and even some got hurt their heads. You can see that with your own eyes and you can hear of them how it happened.
In the next days the fascists will come to Calais to meet and demonstrate here. There is no shelter for us to be secure and to hide from them. We can not trust the police to protect us from them as we experienced already so much violence from them. Migration is not a crime and each and everyone of us has reasons why we had to leave our countries and our families and why we are here now. Europe is always talking about Human Rights and freedom but we can not find this here.
This is why we want to demonstrate and bring our demands on the streets. Therefore we are happy to invite you to our demonstration on friday, the 5th of September 2014, starting at 3 p.m. at Salam, the food distribution place.
We think your presence is very important to spread our message everywhere and show the reality that we have to face.
We will make a press conference after the demonstration to give space for personal talks and your questions.

The migrant communities in Calais.

Creative Action Training

For Central and Eastern European Organizers
September 9-13, 2014
Budapest, Hungary

As global temperatures rise, we see a new urgency for social and political action. The fpic troubleossil fuel industry is polluting our bodies, our land, our atmosphere and even our democracies. We are up against the richest corporations in the history of money – to stop them we are going to have to get creative!

Read more: https://beautifultrouble.org/creative-action-training-budapest

CALL FOR SUPPORT: translation and publication of Emma Goldman’s “Living my life” in Russian


emmaThe publishing cooperative Radical Theory & Practice from Moscow has initiated a new project: translating Emma Goldman’s autobiography “Living My Life” into Russian and printing it for distribution. This will be the first ever, integral translation of the work into Russian; three abridged chapters were translated in 2009 by Sharapov*. This work consists of 56 chapters in which Goldman describes her political and personal life: her childhood, her time in Russia and reflections on the Russian Revolution, going on till 1927. The book was first published in English in two parts in 1931 and 1934, and has been reissued several times since, and translated into many other languages, but never into Russian.

This text is relevant not only as part of the body of libertarian and feminist works on theory & practice, but also for  historians, social scientists and feminists outside in all of the post-soviet countries. Such a translation will find an audience in
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia and further on amongst Russian readers.

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Call out for applicants: Taking our lives back. Community organising against precarity and exclusion

Si se puedeCompañeras y compañeros,

We, the 15M STOP-DESAHUCIOS platform from Córdoba (Spain) and EYFA want to invite you to participate in our “Community Organising against exclusion and precarity” youth meeting.

It will take place in Córdoba (Andalucía, Spain) between the 20th and 27th of October 2014 and aims to gather young community activists to shared and develop knowledge and practical skills to combat exclusion and precarity as well as to self-organise alternative ways out of the crisis.

The deadline for applications has been extended to the 20th of September.

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Resistance against the Eisenhüttenstadt Deportation factory is necessary! We are a group of refugees and solidary people who have been fighting against the deportation jail and isolation for more than one year. We have been fighting for our right to stay where we want, to go where and when we want. We demand a better life! What is the necessity of the deportation jail?

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