
2020 has made everyone think about what is essential – caring for people, for society and for the planet that sustains us. Crisis is all around us: health, the economy, neo-colonialism, structural discriminations of all kinds, injustice and inequality, ecological collapse. And these crises are interconnected.

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ESC Online Info session and Q&A 27.08

Thinking of applying for European Solidarity Corps? We will come together to share our unique experiences that came from our year as ESC volunteers. Get to know more about Erasmus+ and the ESC programme from our first hand experiences, at a time when activities had to be shifted around and how we managed to work on some of our projects regardless. We will be sharing results from selected projects and engage in open discussions on the processes while answering your questions.

One person from the EYFA office will be there to help you with organizational questions, application tips, and best practices on the ESC.

Are you ready to see new horizons, build new friendships, and learn how to challenge yourself? Then register at eyfa@eyfa.org to get the participation link!

Invitation for Online Youth Gathering for Climate and Social Justice

We are very happy to announce and officially invite you to join the Online Youth Gathering for Climate and Social Justice, which will take place online from 3rd to 13th of September.

The main objective of the online gathering is to cover topics around Intersectionality, Commons, European Green Deal and the injustices behind the pandemic of Covid-19. Also we are aiming to collect young people’s visions for what European Green New Deal should look like, including concrete demands and goals for European and national governments. Apart from this, we will have a lot of additional sessions, to share, learn and enjoy.

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In Defense of Black Life

There is no place for racism or anti-black racism in our grassroots social & climate justice movement.

We encourage all of our network and readers of this website to self-educate (e.g. here bit.ly/ANTIRACISMRESOURCES) and to reflect on the global state of pandemia and the recent uprisings for racial justice as opportunities to resist, dismantle, and sabotage this white-supremacist, colonialist regime. This uprising against excessive, brutal, and militarized policing has called attention to the pervasiveness of anti-blackness in our communities. There is no way forward without mobilizing our resources and energy towards the powerful ongoing efforts to defend black lives and towards the political necessity of reparations and related wealth redistribution.

As we are based in Germany, we acknowledge that anti-black racism is not a systemic problem only in the US, but also deeply a european one. We stand in solidarity with the anti-racism movement here in Germany whose activism combats pervasive institutionalized racism, condemns racialized police brutality and profiling, and decolonizes our streets. We stand in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives and all the intersectional internationalist movements fighting for decolonization and racial justice worldwide. 

Racial justice is climate justice. Black disabled lives matter. Black trans lives matter. ALL Black lives matter.

*Ongoing* Solidarity Actions for COVID-19 risk groups & Info Share

Due to the increasing need for care and solidarity during the lock-down moments of the pandemic, our volunteers are conducting weekly solidarity actions for people falling under certain risk group categories. Every Friday we will gather to do and deliver shopping for those unable to, cooking for the homeless, engaging in neighborhood book-exchanges, etc.

To join and help, write us at eyfa@eyfa.org. The actions will be documented and volunteers will have the opportunity to share knowledge and insights gained at an online info share on the 13th of August! Take care of one another.