June 2016 – a month of continuous direct action to disrupt nuclear weapons production and protest at £150+ billion of public money being spent on new ones which will be obsolete before they are built and a threat to national and global security.
Author: eyfa
3 weeks, 3 camps, nuke capitalism not the planet!
EVS EVS ||| Apply ASAP ||| EVS EVS
EVS (European Voluntary Service) at The Forest in Edinburgh has a last minute opening.! Continue reading
SustainABILITY: sustainable management of selforganised youth collectives
The question is: would You like to be our partner-in-crime? Continue reading
A mobilization tour for Ende Gelaende and the Climate Movement, 13th to 21st April
Continue reading
Reclaim The Cape -action week (22.4 –1.5.2016)
Dirty hands on dirty deals
Eroles Project Borders Residency 2016
‘The refugee situation is the most important moral and humanitarian crisis we face today’ Continue reading
“LAUtonomia”, new occupation in the lignite mining area in Lusatia, Germany
Call out from Caerhys farm
Agri-activism opportunity this summer on an organic farm in Wales Continue reading