.on Activists Events 2018

On this newsletter 2018 you will find a collection of exciting events taking place in 2018.

Check it before you go for your holiday, there is a huge chance you will change your plans and join one of them.

If you know of other events that have not been included in this newsletter, please, write us back to eyfa(at)eyfa.org and we will add it here!

Online newsletter

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Campaign summary

As the result of the “No more war” campaign:
– campaign got more than 30K tweet impressions and around 100K visits on the web site
– 5K subscribers found out about it from the newsletter
– 25 kg of campaign materials were produced and sent around
– “Recommendations for an inclusive feminist anti-war campaign” were created, translated, published and spread
– more than 300 people attended a series of 6 off-line info events and discussions in Germany, Ukraine, Spain
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#NoMoreWar Campaign info events

3 more campaign info event happened this month. 2 in Ukraine and 1 in Spain.
Local anti-war activists got together to discuss the intersectional geopolitical background of war (with a feminist perspective) and its link to the industrial-military complex as root cause of migration, impact on the environment and develop possibilities for non-violent actions for peace locally and internationally. Brochure “Recommendations for an inclusive feminist anti-war campaign” was presented in English and Russian. Also the discussion about social media and on-line campaigning evolved.
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Recommendations for an inclusive feminist anti-war campaign

“We position ourselves at a certain point in time in a long line of feminist anti-militarisms.” Even though this phrase easily applies to us in EYFA, these are the first words of the booklet made by participants of the one of our projects “Empowerment through Collaboration: Young feminists shaping inclusive paths to peace in the Caucasus and beyond”
If you want to increase your skills and knowledge as an anti-war activists/campaigners, but also include the perspectives and needs of young women* from conflict zones in global peace-building processes, you have to hear their voices: “We are not new. We are not few. We are everywhere and we are everyday shaping our political analyses, our tactics, and our interwoven solidarities.”
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#nomorewar Campaign – 2 info events in Warsaw

For all who care about the topic of war and migration. For these, who spend their time next to computers and others screens following, commenting, posting and disputing about the politic, social and economical problems and challenges we face in our times. For engaged, motivated and efficient activists in order to improve their skills in fighting for social change.
But if you still do not feel convinced come anyway! We will talk about social media, its advantages but critic as well, we will share our perspectives on war and migration and discuss strategies in building alliances and solidarity based connections.
18.11.2017 we are meeting at 5 pm with students of Alternative Educational Space (Pulawska 37), the event is open and will focus on youths’ experiences with social media campaign.
19.11.2017 at 7 pm we have a space reserved in LVB (Krucza 23) to talk in the informal atmosphere with vegan snacks.
Both evens are open, no registration, no fees, in Polish, but English translation is available.

Call for Connecting Movements Camp 18.-29.8.17

Connecting Movements Camp 2017 in Rhineland
Between the 18th and 29th the Connecting Movements (CoMo) Camp in the Rhineland is connecting people engaged in different social movements and struggles, to develop new perspectives of an emancipatory politic. Very often we are fighting with different focuses – climate justice, freedom of movements and right to stay, (queer-)feminism or food sovereignty – in various places and there is little time left for exchange.
But the more diverse our backgrounds are, the more we can learn from each other! We want to discuss about questions, utopias and strategies of different struggles. The CoMo-Camp will open a space for networking and reflection, to empower us for collective actions and to enable a progress of social movements!
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