Movies for Climate Justice

flyerKitchen for All & Movie Screening – every second Wednesday of the Month

Starting from 11th March we’ll be inviting you to take part in a monthly movie screening event. We’ll be preparing and serving vegan meals and show a documentary about environmental topics. After the movie we ‘ll have the chance to discuss possibilities to engage for climate justice.


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VIENNA CALLING // 30.01.2015 // Demonstration against right wing ball

On the 30th of January 2015 the viennese “Akademikerball” will take place for the third time in Viennas Hofburg. The space and the organizer of the ball, Viennas National Association of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), mirror societies acceptance of fraternities and its ideological clichés such as anti-Semitism, sexism, male bonding, homophobia and racism in Austria.

The FPÖ is an openly right-wing party that brings together more than 20% of electoral votes and is rising severely close to 30% in recent polls. Approximately 40 % of FPÖ’s parliamentarians are fraternity members, most of which come from the frets folkish fraternity community, representing the extreme right rim of the pan-German system of liaison. This spectrum is characterized for having laid the ground for Nazist ideology and their active support in its realisation. In the 1960s they were involved in right-wing terrorism in South Tirol and still today discuss the proof of Aryan heritage. The ball is also visited by a conservative bourgeois milieu that takes no offense by these guests. This is Austria.

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August 14 -16, 2015hambacherforstbanner234x60wen

In the Rhineland Coalfield near Cologne, Germany

In 2015, the 21st COP (UN-Climate Summit) will take place in Paris. We expect the results to be pathetic. And while global CO2 emissions from more and more coal-fired power plants are rising dramatically, we take climate justice into our own hands. It is high time to be serious about phasing out coal!

In a big colourful action of civil disobedience we will obstruct the exploitation of lignite (soft coal) with many hundred people. Thus we will resist one of the crucial root causes of climate change. We will use a variety of actions forms about which we will communicate in an open and reliable way. Let’s make the Rhineland the focal point of a strong and powerful anti-coal-movement!

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Tomorrow: future as perspective for movement

2.Dh5-festival for activists and world-changers Jan. 30 – Feb. 1 in The Hague.

A weekend with workshops, discussions and talks about social, economic and climatic developments to sharpen political perspectives for social emancipat2dh5-2015-den-haag-toekomst-beweging-w200-ENion and freedom in the 21st century.

Economic, climatic and social realities are changing at an unprecedented rate. At the same time, left libertarian en emancipatory forces are strongly weakened. For these reasons, it is now, more than ever, important to stop, take step back, and together look to forward.
Are utopian visions still viable? Do we know were we are headed, and how to influence the paths we are on? What kind of future would we like to see? Do people still believe in the possibilities of collective efforts to change the future for the better, or are we somehow petrified by climactic and economic apocalypse?
What are the strategies that are needed to answer these questions? Or are we not asking the right ones in the first place? To find out, we’ll be holding a weekend of workshops, lectures, and debates. We will break open new ideas, forge fresh coalitions, and break free from business as usual. We, as the organisers can not provide all this by ourselves. We need to do it together soon at 2.Dh5 festival, but surely, Tomorrow.

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