A bit of Biketour history ….

Ecotopia Biketour is for anyone interested in do-it-yourself, environmentalism, activism, community life and experiential learning, from cultures, from challenges, and from each other. But ultimately, it is whatever you make of it! You are the Biketour! So how did it all begin? The first Ecotopia Gathering, (an ecological utopian festival village which happened every year in a different part of Europe, till 2008 interruption) was held in 1989 in Cologne. The Biketour didn’t exist at that time, so many participants came by bus. Some felt very uncomfortable with their unecological way of travelling to such a special place. They started looking for an alternative and (can you believe it?) they came to the conclusion that the bike is still the most ecological method of transport. Slow enough to connect with nature but fast enough to feel you really are travelling every day. After 2008, the biketour crowd decided to continue as a project itself, “It’s not the destination that’s important, it’s the Journey”. A bit of Biketour history ….

Here you can see graphically where the Biketour has travelled (approximately) on the past 24 tours (until 2014) and where the Ecotopia Gatherings have taken place:

Ecotopia Biketours and Gatherings from 1989 until 2014

For a human life and against deportation. November 18-20, Amsterdam to The Hague

On Novembrefugee marcher 10 the verdict of the European Commission (ECSR) about right for shelter becomes public. Amsterdam proposed night shelter for refugees. This leaves people on the streets, in the cold, for most of the day. Carrying their belongings. Shelter is no objective but a means. A means to work on a real future and a life with human dignity.

To make this clear, refugees of We Are Here decided to organise a march from Amsterdam to The Hague. They will walk from the city council in Amsterdam, to the Parliament in The Hague, symbolizing the responsibility for this group that was constantly passed on between major and government without offering a solution. On 20th of November parliament talks about shelter and return.

On the way there will be several actions and activities. Everybody is free to join!

European Antimilitarist Network: Proposal for action

bannThere is an election for the next UK Parliament in May 2015. The new Parliament will be making a final decision on whether to go ahead with replacing the UK Nuclear weapons system. Scotland already has a majority of people against nuclear weapons and with the upsurge in political involvement and several different anti-nuclear political parties to vote for is well covered. HOWEVER, the rest of the UK need a wake up call.
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Zinefest Berlin – 8-9 November 2014

backgroundfixOrganized by a small handful of zine-enthusiasts, the Zine Fest Berlin is back for it’s fourth year in a row this year on 8-9 November.
Focusing on the subversive culture of self-made publications aka “zines*”, the Zine Fest will provide a platform and meeting place for
zine-lovers and small self-publishers across an international crowd. Zines are part of a subculture of Do-It-Yourself, an idea where the
relation between production and consumption has shifted. Zines are individual autonomous voices, and the Zine Fest wants to bring them to
the public and celebrate how special they are!

*A zine is a self-published, small circulation, non-commercial booklet or magazine, usually produced by one person or a few individuals.

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Over 100 people in Bucharest’s 3rd District thrown out of their homes!

rezistentaThe people on Vulturilor have been evicted on Monday, Sept 15, by court officers assisted by riot police. After a first night spent in the street, in front of their former homes, and while some former tennats were protesting in front of Bucharest City Hall, around noon on 16.09., policemen of the local force moved on Vulturilor 50. They loaded in vans and transported to an unclear location the belongings which had been stored on the street by former tenants. The evicted were expected to relocate, separately, to men’s and mother-and-children night shelters, a provisional solution which they refused. So far, local authorities have been uncooperative about long-term solutions or genuine relief for those left homeless. –
Read the complete article here

Regional feminist solidarity meeting for activists in Central Asia, Caucasus and Eastern Europe

10-17 November 2014 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Regional feminist solidarity meeting emerged as an idea to bring feminist activists together to discuss and strategize around our security/well-being, solidarity efforts and movement-building. Here “feminist activist” means affiliating oneself with feminism(s) whether one’s activist work and group named feminist or not. As there are very few opportunities for us to support each other, reflect and discuss our needs/issues outside of professional skills-building, networking and collaborating primarily for our communities and our causes as community members, this meeting is an attempt to address our needs collectively as feminist activists and connecting with each other as feminist movement(s).

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Transformative Collaboration: co-creating healthy groups

8 – 16 November
Ecodharma, Catalunyan Pyrenees

In whatever ways we envisage contributing to the wellbeing of our world, it’s likely to mean collaborating with others. But groups are not always easy. They can feel frustrating, draining and unproductive. Meetings drag, personalities clash, power conflicts arise, chaos reigns and all this gets in the way of achieving what the group or organization set out to do at the beginning.

This training, set in a wild and remote part of the Catalunyan Pyrenees, will help you to learn how to better collaborate, co-exist, organize, communicate and make decisions together. Whether you are already working or living in a group or wanting to initiate something, this course will help you set up conditions for ongoing collaborative work.

Costs are on a sliding, needs-based scale from 200 – 850 euros for this 8 day residential training.

For more information visit www.ecodharma.com/courses-events/2014/10/08/transformative-collaboration

UNITED NEIGHBOURS // De­mons­tra­ti­on at 27th of Sep­tem­ber // 3 p.m. // Spreewaldplatz

united neighbours

The pro­tests at Ora­ni­en­platz, at the oc­cup­ied school in Ohlau­er Stra­ße and now at Gür­tel­stras­se have taken the strugg­le against ra­cism and ca­pi­ta­lism in the city to a new level. We, re­fu­gees and urban ac­tivists, fight to­ge­ther against con­di­ti­ons in which our need for hou­sing, free­dom of mo­ve­ment, so­li­da­ri­ty, and a self-​de­ter­mined life are sup­pres­sed by the go­vern­ment and the po­li­ce.

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Urgent call out for donations anti-prison and migrants struggle in Morocco

In Northern Morocco, many illegalised migrants and refugees are stuck, waiting for a chance to cross over to Europe. These past months, racist harassment has increased, particularly in Boukhalef, a quarter on the
outskirts of Tangier.

In the night between the 29th and 30th of August, this culminated in the stabbing of a young Senegalese migrant named Charles. The migrant community immediately responded to the murder by taking to the streets, protesting against this extreme form of racism.

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