The participants of our youth gathering Queer Elsewhere last summer came together to create a zine about the practice of self-care in the queer BIPoC activist community. This collective process was documented in this zine, it also contains self-care tools.
As part of the series ‘Learning Documentation’ we are gonna have a talk with Majed Abusalama, an activist from Gaza and part of several anti-racist and anti-colonial groups in Germany.
The evening counts with an exhibition with photos from Ahmad Al-Bazz, Keren Manor, Mahmoud Abusalama, Mohammed Zaanoun & the martyr Yaser Murtaja. They are all photo journalists and activists based in Palestine and documenting everyday’s resistance.
Please write to <> with the subject ‘Learning doc – Palestine> to register.
The event takes places next Monday, 7th of November, in Berlin – Kreuzberg. The venue has limited amount of places, the full address will be sent after attendance confirmation.
Please come tested!! There is also the possibility to test directly at the venue.
The participants of our youth gathering Queer Elsewhere last summer came together to create a zine about the practice of self-care in the queer BIPoC activist community. This collective process was documented in this zine, it also contains self-care tools. We are very happy to invite you to the two release events we have planned in Berlin, on the 19th of November, and in Barcelona, on the 10th of December. Each event will count with the presence of two of the participants of our gathering, who will be presenting the zine, as well as leading a group discussion about the need for collective self-care for young queer BIPoC activists.
Due to the ongoing pandemic the events have reduced capacity, please write us for registration.
The Learning Documentation project is a series of events that focus on the documentation of resistance movements that vision towards social & political change and justice. The exhibition showcases protests and revolutionary actions from different corners of the world including Mexico, Chile, Germany, Palestine and Sudan that symbolize the power of community organizing and collective action against systemic oppression and injustices. The struggle for liberation in our times has been accelerated by the internet and the ability of the people to control and shape narratives of their realities. The impact of documentation has been realized in international mass mobilizations and solidarity while opening up dialogue of important issues that affect our right to live freely.
We wish to highlight the important work of photographers who are connected to the struggles they document, as a critical part of movements and not as passive observers. As witnesses of history, we honour this form of storytelling that brings not only visibility but humanity to our struggles.
* Open air / street exhibition *
When? 30th Aug – 02nd Sept from 11am – 6pm 03rd Sept from 11am to 3pm
Where? at Marielle Franco Platz in front of New Yorck im Bethanien, Mariannenplatz , 2a – Berlin
The event is organised by 3 Black people, Abeni from the @blackearthkollektiv and Black Wendland as well as Karla and Nicole, co-funders of @alotifarm . We are interest in farming in practical as well as politcal and spirutual terms and our goal is to to reclaim and heal our connection to the land.
We are plannning to have a skill share format for the weekend, so every participant can share their perspectives, experiences, questions, knowledge about farming, and specially african indigenous farming techniques. We will have both discussions groups and practical sessions to work the land of aloti farm.
The weekend will take place at Arruda, a self organised queer-feminist living project in Brandenburg with an intersectional approach and anti-discriminatory Seminar House. Arruda also hosts the newly founded aloti-farm, a farm run by a small collective of racialized people.
This is an event for Black people / people of african-descend only.
30 Sept – 02 Oct Registration <>
We are happy to announce that together with our partner @casakua, we are organizing a week-long international youth gathering ‘Queer elsewhere – Exploring intersecting oppressions of queer migrant youth’ at La Bassa Mar, Spain next month.
We are preparing a whole week of activities where we can exchange our experiences as queer migrants / marginalized youth, exploring parts of our identities that are often unseen.
Let’s create space to grow, to learn / unlearn and strengthen our communities in a loving and caring way.
The registration form is below. Read it carefully and if you feel like this activity is for you then please apply! The gathering is open to youth (18 – 30 yo) based anywhere in Europe. Travel costs, accommodation and food are provided.
We are looking forward to meeting you. And, like always, kindly share ❤️
We, EYFA, would like to start by introducing ourselves and our work for those who still don’t know us. EYFA developed from a tour that was initiated by a Swedish/German group in 1986 to save the old-growth forests in Europe: then named European Youth Forest Action. From these beginnings, EYFA has developed into a network of individuals, grassroots organisations and collectives working to transform local and international communities in their approach to environmental and social, political and economic positions.
EYFA provides a platform and practical support for new radical ideas to grow into their full potential.
The international office located in Berlin coordinates EYFA’s activities through administrative and communication functions and being the network’s contact point for sharing local information.
EYFA focuses particularly on intersectional youth-initiated activities and projects. EYFA projects are mainly for young people, giving them the opportunity to act and encouraging them to participate actively on local and international levels.
The time for another Network Meeting is soon approaching us once again. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the Network meeting did not take place in 2020 and neither in 2021. This year we are back and we would like to, just like in 2019, have our meeting in a bigger event, where we can have the chance to meet other people / groups who are working on campaigns and initiatives that might be new, exciting and/or inspirational to us!
In 2019 we have joined theKlimaCamp in Rheinland. This year’s chosen event is ‘Women waving future’, an international conference that will take place in Berlin. The conference will bring together women activists from different corners of the world, based in Europe and beyond and will be a space for sharing experiences, stories of resistance, struggle and passion. Via intersectional lenses we will be able to understand better the different challenges women face and it’s inter-connection with multiple struggles, such as: gender, class, race, health, education, displacement / forced migration, motherhood, war, ecology / climate justice. Applying an multi-generational approach, we would like to make a direct link to current struggles around the globe and it’s impact in young women and girls. Let’s learn together how to fortify our support networks, learning from elders and super women that are at the forefront of global social change.
When: November 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th (arrival on the 4th) Where: Technische Universität, Berlin, Germany (5th – 06th) New Yorck im Bethanien, Berlin, Germany (7th – 08th)
Team building
Expanding network
Share our believes and main focus and the intersections of our fights / community building approaches
Collaborations and how could we work together
Who is coming?
We would really like it for new people to come to this years meeting and for this we want to reserve at least 8 spots for new members/new comers.
Food for Thought
Building an international network is an ongoing task. We do our best to keep in touch and be open for new people. We write and write and write (newsletter, reports, emails, notes) and sometimes we meet. The network meeting is one of the few occasions to see each other in person, that is why if you feel like engaging in the network, reflecting on our current work (to make it better), being/joining the orga group, spreading your ideas or initiating something, or you are simply wondering what is the network, – you should come.
Most of the invitations here are reaching out to groups rather than individuals, in the hope that it will help us meet the meeting aims, and that it could simplify the invitation process. We offer 1 to 3 places per group and we want to reserve 8 spots for new people. We want to acknowledge that sometimes people’s commitments go beyond one group, and therefore some individuals may be invited through more than one group. At the same time, we are inviting a handful of persons who may not subscribe to a group active in the network but who have put their heart and soul into it lately.
There is a rough plan for the program’s content, thinking that maybe this meeting is a good opportunity for you to talk about something with others, share your skills or fears (yes, this world is scary). Or you see there is something missing in the aims above? Write us. If you have any suggestions for the program, would like to add something to it, etc, please write us with your ideas. The more input the better to make this meeting fruitful for all of us.
Important: if you need a visa to come to Germany please let us know ASAP, so we can help you with the invitation and finances.
Expressions of interest to be sent to 2022@eyfa.orgas soon as possible, till the 10th of October. Questions, suggestions are welcome any time.
Please note, that the network meeting is only one element of the long and beautiful process of keeping the network strong, there are other ways to be active within it and we try them all. Do not be sad if you cannot come, there will plenty of opportunities to join us again.
Looking forward to hearing from you! EYFA Office
Confirmation deadline: October 10th How much: The Network Meeting is free of charge. Eyfa will provide the accommodation in a hostel / hotel and in shared rooms at our Berlin based member’s home. Food will be provided. If you need support covering your travel expenses please contact us!!!
From the global distribution of sexual health resources to our most intimate interactions with our partners, colonization’s impacts can be still felt and seen.
What are the ways colonization has created damage with regard to sexual health? How does such damage unequally impact certain communities more than others? What does decolonization mean in the context of sexuality and sexual health?
These questions will be addressed in this space. Through various inputs and groups/individual activities, the history and narratives around sexual health will be explored.
We will reflect on how historical events and narratives still play out in our contemporary engagement with sexually transmitted infections, and how cultural practices inform current policies and regulations around sexual health.
Finally, we will reflect on how to reclaim power and freedom in sexuality.
Warm invitation to the Action Climbing Training (AKT) for BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) People effected by Racism/Antisemitism from August 21-26, 2022 in a forest near Cologne
What is an AKT? AKT stands for Action Climbing Training. Climbing skills needed for tree climbing and climbing structures are shared in order to be able to implement political actions like banner drops, blockades and much more. Our 6-day intensive training includes all the important basics of technical climbing needed for actions including: Introduction to materials, knot tying, ascending trees with and without ropes, rappelling techniques, belaying techniques, moving at heights, installing and removing ropes, rescue, rope bridge construction, horizontal moving on the rope, rope assisted hanging of banners, action planning and scouting concerning climbing, 1st aid.
Where? Close to Lützerath, when you register there is more information on the exact location. We are trying to organize a shuttle from the next train station. There is the possibility to camp, an outdoor kitchen as well as sanitary facilities to let the event take place mainly outside. If you have other needs regarding sleeping space, please contact us and we will find a solution!
When? BIPoC AKT will take place from August 21-26, 2022. On July 21, arrival is scheduled for late afternoon. So we will start the program in the evening after the first dinner together. The AKT will end in the evening on August 26. It is important to be present for the whole period. Therefore, please register only if this works for you. If you would like to stay longer in Unser Aller Wald or Lützerath, please contact us and we can arrange a contact.
Who is the AKT for? This training is for Black, Indigenous and People of Color. This means all people affected by racism and/or anti-Semitism. It is aimed at anyone who wants to be active in political climbing action and/or has a desire to pass on climbing skills to political activists. It is aimed at BIPoCs with and without previous experience. But it is important for us to emphasize: You don’t need any prior experience! We start from scratch. Even specific climbing equipment is not a prerequisite. Climbing is certainly emotionally and/or physically challenging for many people. Fear of heights, physical limitations, learning difficulties or similar are not directly exclusion criteria! If you would like to participate but have concerns, please contact us. This way we can think of alternatives and you can come to the training encouraged!
Feel free to write your questions or concerns to: You can also register via this email address. We are looking forward to your registration (with name) ((and pronoun)) and will contact you shortly with further information.